How to sign a ctract with Rong Xin Hui?

You can contact our sales and choose the relevant products, after signing a contract can be our contracted merchants.

 How many kinds of credit card can be used?

Rong Xin Hui can accept VISA / MASTER CARD / JCB at the moment.

How to use access interface after gateway opened?

In order to ensure privacy and safe of Merchants website, we have our own technical assistances which can help Merchants install interface. If Merchants cannot solve the problem, our remote assistance also can be available.

How to operate Merchants' backstage after gateway opened?

The Merchants who have registered to use Rong Xin Hui e-commerce payment service, will obtain a copy of service manual. It provides the detailed introduction to the procedure of Settlement, Chargeback,Refund, Setup the operator and Change profile etc. which is easy-to understand and operation. Furthermore, we can provide to customize the functions from the backstage in accordance with any requirements of Merchants.

 What is the reason for Credit Card payment fails?

1.Filling in the wrong information upon Cardholder's Name, Card Number, Validity, CVV2 etc.;

2.Not sufficient balance of Credit Cards ;

3.Customers' locations are considered as high-risk areas by Banks;

4.Credit Cards had been cancelled by the Cardholder or in the blacklist of Banks ;

5.It has a problem with Buyer's network and leads to fail verification with the issuer bank;

6.The relevant information of Buyers had been considered as high risk by Rong Xin Hui's risk control system. We have to stop and to reduce the possibility of Credit Card fraud.

 How to deal with Chargeback of the Buyer?

After the chargeback of the buyer, Rong Xin Hui will assist the Merchants to deal with this transaction: If the reason of chargeback was caused by the Merchant (such as forget the shipment), however the Merchant should bear the responsibility to pay USD20.00 for handling chargeback fee of each transaction; Merchant in turn can apply claim of chargeback to Banks. If the result of arbitration shows that it's the buyer's responsibility, the Merchant has the right to take back all funds, and vice versa, the Buyer should take the responsibility to pay USD20.00 to banks and USD500.00 for arbitration fee.

 How to guarantee the security of Merchants information by Rong Xin Hui?

The information of merchants such as website, sale products, personal address, contact number and bank account must not be revealed to third-party unless the authorized by merchants. If you found our employee revealed your relevant information, please contact our Service Department and we would deal the case timely.

 How to make a payment for? Is safe for us to pay?

New merchants may choose through bank transfer, check or cash to make the payment, Regular merchants may choose to accept payments by direct deduction via transaction amount.

As an independent third-party payment company in domestic, Rong Xin Hui works directly together with banks and has been under the supervision by the People’s Bank of China. Hence it is not necessary to worry about the safe issue.

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